Thursday, April 23, 2009

Overcoming FUD

You may or may not be familiar with FUD. FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. These are the things that hold us back from attempting to achieve success. Fear, uncertainty and doubt often rob us of the motivation to take the crucial first steps necessary to achieve the change we want to create in our lives. Using momentum theory (something still in the works that will hopefully be published in a professional journal some time soon), I'd like to share with you a little mnemonic device that will help you overcome these culprits.
Overcome Fear with Focus
Overcome Uncertainty with Collaboration
Overcome Doubt by Doing
By focusing on what you want to achieve instead of on what obstacles may stand in your way, you clear the path for success.
By collaborating with the people and things that can provide you support in your efforts, you can overcome the uncertainty inherent in pursuing new prospects.
By taking action and doing, you can begin to generate progress, create small wins and take your first steps toward success.
I hope this is helpful to you.
-Stavros Michailidis
(c) Stavros Michailidis 2009